Po Delta Park

For those people looking for a more direct contact with nature and who are fond of bird-watching, the Po Delta Park is an excellent choice, which offers a very suggestive spectacle from the natural point of view.
There are many animal and vegetal species, most of them protected.



The area is located on the eastern border of the "Pianura Padana" where the Po river flows into the Adriatic Sea, through Venice, Ferrara and Ravenna.
The Po Delta Park offers the visitor the most suggestive environments on foot, by bike, by boat or by horse.
Drawn on the water: that's Po Delta Park!! Here nature has been mixed with historical and architectural testimony of inestimable artistic value.

Pomposa Abbey, a monastic complex (destination of pilgrims on the way to Rome), the castle and the Boscone of Mesola, symbol of the splendour of that period, the villages of Goro and Gorino. These are just some examples of what you will find here.
But the heart and capital of the area is the town of Comacchio, called "little Venice"; for its fascinating structure. It's built on 13 little islands, joined together by channels and bridges (remember Ponte dei Trepponti and Ponte degli Sbirri). Po Delta Park: a different world, archaic and suggestive, but at the same time a modern answer to the exigence of keeping a more direct contact with nature.



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